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Welcome! Your life is about to change dramatically. Finally, a new self-help book is available to help you quit gambling and stop losing all of your money!

Although gambling is enjoyable entertainment and can provide unparalleled excitement, it can financially drain and ruin some people. This manual is a roadmap and workbook for the problem gambler or potential problem gambler, who can not control the amount of money he/she loses, to seriously give up on gambling.

This work is based on over 25 years of experience in gambling by the author, who shares his insight with the reader. While attending college, the author began gambling at 18 in local New York City OTB parlors and New York horse racing tracks. Then he got caught up in casino gambling, when it debuted in Atlantic City. He also dabbled in most other forms of gambling, in lotto, poker, and sports betting. As much as the author loves to win, he hates to lose in gambling.

So, after 25 years and losing a small fortune, he decided to give up on his quest of becoming a consistent winner. This book describes the way he finally coped with and quit gambling. There is also ample space for the reader to write down his/her own thoughts on how to quit gambling to personalize the manual for his/herself.

Table of Contents
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii
List of Abbreviations xv
Introduction xvii
Section 1 The History and Future of Gambling 1
Chapter 1 History of Gambling 3
1.1 Gambling's Long History 3
1.2 Types of Gambling 3
1.3 Legalized Gambling 4
Chapter 2 Future of Gambling 7
2.1 Government Regulations 7
2.2 Advertising 7
2.3 Bright Future 8
Section 2 Gambling and Odds 11
Chapter 3 Aspects of Gambling 13
3.1 What Exactly Is Gambling? 13
3.2 There Is More to Gambling 13
Chapter 4 Odds & the House 17
4.1 Odds 17
4.2 The House 18
Chapter 5 What Are the Odds 21
5.1 (Approximate) House Advantage in Odds 21
5.2 Best Deals 22
Chapter 6 Games Where Skill Can Provide an Advantage 23
6.1 Casino Games 23
6.2 Sports Betting 24
6.3 Other Types of Gambling 24
6.3.1 Poker and Most Other Card Games 25
6.3.2 Backgammon 25
6.3.3 Chess 25
6.3.4 Professional Sports Tournaments 26
6.4 Cheating 26
Chapter 7 Financial Investments 27
Section 3 Problem Gambling 29
Chapter 8 Inside the Mind of Problem Gamblers 31
8.1 Intelligence 31
8.2 Why Do People Gamble? 32
8.3 Winning 33
8.4 Losing 33
Chapter 9 Analyze Your Gambling History 35
9.1 Your Past 35
9.2 Future 36
9.3 Debt 36
Section 4 What To Do 37
Chapter 10 Solutions 39
10.1 Medicine 39
10.2 An Alternative Cure 40
10.3 Realize the Facts about Gambling 40
10.4 Thoughts 47
10.5 Habit 53
10.6 Mottos 56
10.7 Final Advice 56
10.8 Your Thoughts 57
Chapter 11 Goals 61
Chapter 12 What Now 89
Appendix 91
Appendix A Do Not Read This Unless you have tried working with the ideas given in previous chapters and continue to gamble 91
Appendix 97
Appendix B Gambling Organizations 97
Notes 99
Index 107
References 109


Some excerpts:
There is a vicious "circle of problem gambling" involving losses, revenge, and gambling excitement. p32
"Those who have never gambled because they recognized the probability of losing made the right decision.
Those who gambled and then, gave it up also made the right decision, but had to pay a price." p41
"A problem gambler is a loser, who continues to lose, until he quits gambling or dies." p42
"One of the most important points is to admit that you can not and will not be able to win your losses back.
Say bye-bye forever to all of the money that you lost. Let go of your gambling losses." p47
"Setting new goals will help undermine your gambling habit." p54

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Title: A Way to Quit Gambling
Author: John Chin

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At a brick-and-mortar bookstore, the book's ISBN is 0-595-08868-6.

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